ActivArte Exhibit Design
DESIGN FOR FLUIDITY AND AMPLITUDE Puerto Rico’s Art Museum’s ActivArte
After exploring body movement for 80 years (ballet, flamenco, mime and modern dance), a leading Puerto Rican theater figure thought it fit—as her swan song—to collect her memorabilia in a publication, including artwork, set and costume designs, photos (portraits, live action), original programs, posters and press clippings. Widely admired, Gilda Navarra was a muse to many artists in America and Europe, as evidenced by myriad texts and images.
Music played an important role in Gilda’s signature pieces, usually developed for silent characters. The book was thus conceived as a musical piece itself. Its design is based on an everpresent pentagram, often clear, at times suggested or just implied. Because music provides graphic representations of silence—lacking in conventional language—these symbols become metaphors for different “times” in the artist’s everchanging, transcendental oeuvre.
Popular, Inc.
Year Completed
CREDITS _ Coordination Carmen Lidin and Carlos Bruno, Corporate Communications, Popular, Inc. Exhibit Content & Creative Direction Arq. Jorge Rigau, FAIA and Alberto Rigau Designers Alberto Rigau and Alfonso Gómez Arzola Urban Design Consultant Arq. Thomas S. Marvel, FAIA Education Consultants Socorrito Díaz and Carmen Haddys Torres HO Scale Model Construction Scale Models, Arts and Technologies, Inc. (SMARTT) Webpage Design Amilcar Colón, Webxacto Detailed Woodwork Roberto Pérez Dendariarena General Woodwork Joel Ramos Steel Work Joel Ramos and Braulio Santos Vera Technology Consultant José Irizarry, Protech Programmer Gabriel Santillán Lighting Eric M. Jukelevics, EMJ Photography Electrical Consultant Joseph Hernández, JH Technical Service Photography Aerofoto Internacional, Marie Carmen Ubiles, Alberto Rigau, Alfonso Gómez Arzola, Seth Siditsky, Alexandros Koromilas Digital Printing Global Graphics Offset Printing Model Offset Printing and Ímpress Quality Printing Installation Assistants Bryan Torres, José Medina, Francisco González, Daniel Robles, Lemuel Beauchamp, Eduardo Miranda, Miguel Ortiz, Celina Bocanegra, Johann Sasso, Mario Sorani, Victor Blay, Mabel Plascencia, Claudia Rosa, Alex Martínez, Omar Torresola, Luis A. Cerda Collaborators Portland Streetcar Inc., Departamento de Transportación y Obras Públicas, Oficina de Urbanismo, Infraestructura y Ambiente, Oficina del Gobernador, La Fortaleza, Municipio de San Juan, José Lorenzo Torres, Susana Espinosa, Bernardo Hogan, Jaime Suárez, Maribel T. Suárez, Gilda Navarra, José Rigau, Arq. Oscar Oliver, Arq. Roberto Alsina, Arq. Liz Meléndez, Ing. Raúl Gayá, Arq. Carlos Camacho, Arq. Juan Penabad, Carlos Aponte, Edna Acosta, Ing. David Rosa, Wilmarie Laboy, Juan Ruiz, Suzette Jiménez, Ana Carbonell, Lourdes Folch
DESIGN FOR FLUIDITY AND AMPLITUDE Puerto Rico’s Art Museum’s ActivArte
San Patricio Plaza, one of the main shoppings malls in
Letterforms as a canvas for imagery In May 2012, La